Tutorial: XSLT in 5 minutes
This is a simple introduction to XSLT, or eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation. It's a way of applying styles and formatting to XML files, and it's pretty useful.
Tutorial: How to install the Google GO compiler on Ubuntu Linux
Want to try out Google Go? Here's a guide to getting it working in Ubuntu.
A Geek's Trip Down Memory Lane - The BBS (Bulletin Board System)
While browsing a forum recently, I found a thread that really made me reminisce. Someone has asked about browsing the internet before it was popular, and what it was like.
How to write text files in C#
How to write a text file in C#, step by step
How to Write Text Files with C++
Step by step description of how to write text files with C++. Using Bloodshed C++
How to use OR operator with Strings in C#
I just had this problem tonight, so I thought I'd share the solution. In many languages you can do a string comparison in the following way
How to Learn Computer Programming
So you want to be a computer programmer? Want to write software? Here is how you can get started with this awesome hobby / profession right away, for next to nothing.
Webinar: Enabling Low Risk Releases
Watch this webinar with expert Jeremy Morgan and walk away understanding: How to create low risk releases, why batch size has a direct effect on velocity, how to determine how many changes per deployment is optimal, and more.
Webinar: How to Create a Mature Cloud Practice
Migrating to the cloud is one of the biggest challenges organizations face today. To do it well, you need systems that are fast, secure and scalable. It's difficult to know where to start or how to find the best way forward.
I wrote a book! Check out A Quick Guide to Coding with AI.
Learn how to use Generative AI coding tools as a force multiplier for your career.
Use my code mlmorgan3 to get 50% off (Until Sept 27th).