10 Places to Learn Go
Last Update: Jun 7, 2024
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Though it’s now ten years old, Golang (Google’s Go language) is one of the fastest growing languages out there right now. Do you want to learn it? Here are 10 great places to start.
1. Basics of GoLang for Beginners
This is a great place to get started from zero. If you’re committed to downloading and installing it shows you how, and you dig into some basic stuff. It’s a good start.
2. Go.Dev
This is a fairly new source so I haven’t been able to dig into all the features of it, but it has tutorials for installing, doing a hello world, etc. It seems like the perfect jumping off point.
3. Tour of Golang
This is a good place to start to get started as easy as possible. It doesn’t have you building real applications, but you also don’t have to install or setup anything.
4. Go by Example
This one digs a little deeper and tackles things like pointers and concurrency which are tough at first.
5. Golang Bootcamp
This is a book in downloadable form or online, and it’s well organized and clear for the basics.
6. Introducing Go
This is a great book to go from total beginner to digging into deeper topics. It’s well worth the price and is a great way to get started writing real application.
7. Go Core Language Path
From beginner to Go expert in about 24 hours of courses. From the very basics to advanced there’s something for everyone here.
8. Justforfunc YouTube Channel
The justforfunc youtube channel is great for digging into to Golang. Francesc Campoy is entertaining and knowledgeable. Check it out.
9. Golang Tutorial series
This is a great series of tutorials for learning go, that’s easy to follow and fun.
10. Gophercises
So now you know some Go and want to play? This is a great place to polish your skills. This site has some cool coding exercises to try out.
GO Learn some Golang!!
Golang is awesome. I love working with it, and you probably will to. The resources above are great places to get your feet wet and really start developing some cool stuff. What do you think of the list? Should I add anything? Yell at me on Twitter with suggestions!
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