Copying Strings in Python

In this article, we will explore the different ways to copy a string in Python and when to use them. We will also cover some advanced techniques for working with strings in Python. …

Author: Jeremy Morgan
Published: December 10, 2023

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In this article, we will explore the different ways to copy a string in Python and when to use them. We will also cover some advanced techniques for working with strings in Python.

In Python, there are several ways to copy a string. The choice of which method to use depends on the specific situation. In this article, we will explore the different methods and their uses.

Method 1: Assignment Operator

The simplest way to copy a string in Python is to use the assignment operator (=). This creates a new string object that contains the same characters as the original string. For example:

original_string = "Hello, World!"
new_string = original_string


“How to copy a string in Python”

Method 2: Slicing

Another way to copy a string in Python is by using slicing. This method creates a new string object that contains a subset of the characters from the original string. For example:

original_string = "Hello, World!"
new_string = original_string[6:]

Output: “How to copy a string in Python”

Method 3: String Concatenation

You can also copy a string by concatenating it with an empty string. This method creates a new string object that contains the same characters as the original string. For example:

original_string = "Hello, World!"
new_string = "" + original_string


“How to copy a string in Python”

Advanced Techniques

In addition to these basic methods, there are several advanced techniques for working with strings in Python. These include:

  • String Formatting: This method allows you to insert variables into a string using the .format() method or f-strings. For example:
name = "Jeremy"
age = 46
print(f"My name is {name} and I am {age} years old.") 


“How to copy a string in Python”

  • String Interpolation: This method allows you to insert variables into a string using the .format() method or f-strings, but with more advanced features such as conditional statements and loops. For example:
names = ["Jeremy", "Jane"]
age = 46
print(f"My name is {names[0]} and I am {age} years old.") 


“How to copy a string in Python”


There are several ways to copy a string in Python, each with its own use cases. The choice of which method to use depends on the specific situation. By understanding these different methods, you can write more efficient and effective code when working with strings in Python.

Today’s sponsor is Depot. Depot is a remote container build service that’s half the cost of GitHub Actions runners and up to 40x faster than other build services. Try it for free.