Live Event: Cloud Labs - How to Create an EC2 Auto Scaling Group
Last Update: Jun 7, 2024

I’ll be hosting a LIVE event, Thursday, October 22nd, at 9:30AM PDT. In this event we’ll be trying out Pluralsight’s new Cloud Labs!
These are temporary cloud environments you can use to learn and demonstrate concepts. We will be going through one of these labs together!
We’re going to learn:
- How to Create a Launch Configuration
- How to Create an Auto Scaling Group with a Launch Configuration
- How to Create a Launch Template
- How to Edit an Auto Scaling Group to Use a Launch Template
- How to Configure a Load Balancer Using an Auto Scaling Group
So join me!! This will be hosted by Pluralsight and you can catch it on one of their channels:
So join me, Thursday, October 22nd, at 9:30AM PDT!! Let’s learn together.
If you have any questions, hit me up!
Follow @JeremyCMorgan