Gopher Newsletter November 6, 2020
Last Update: Jun 7, 2024

Welcome to the latest edition of the Gopher Newsletter. This is where I collect cool links and tidbits about what’s going on in the Go world.
Go is currently at 1.15.4
So far, I’ve received a ton of new subscribers, and that’s motivated me to get this going!
What’s so great about Go?
The coolest article I’ve found this week is from the Stack Overflow blog, titled What’s so great about Go?.
It covers some key things about the language, why you use it, and why you should learn it. Worth checking out.
Creating a Server with PostgreSQL in Go
Next, I found this great tutorial series on Dev.To that covers Creating a Server with PostgreSQL in Go. It’s pretty in-depth and allows you to create an authentication boilerplate for your applications. Being a huge fan of Go and PostgreSQL, I can’t wait to try this out.
GitHub’s Go-powered CLI
Here’s a cool discussion about building the GitHub CLI in Go. Interesting stuff!
Another Rust vs. Go Comparison
I think we’re going to see many of these, but here’s a good Rust vs Go comparison I found interesting.
You can do what with the Standard Library?
I recently gave a talk at the GoWest Conference about the Go Standard Library. It covers some of the things you can do with it that you may have known about. Check it out.
Stream is hiring Backend Go Programmers
Apple is hiring a Devops Team Lead!
Thank You!
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If you’d like to submit ideas for this newsletter, suggestions, or want me to plug your stuff let me know! I’d like to make this as useful as possible. Email me back, orĀ yell at me on Twitter!
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